Forum Discussion
parameter being stripped
I have a rewrite rule in place that is working correctly however they are asking that the parameter be passed through as well which is making it through in the URL bar but not to the webpage that is looking for that parameter. It works fine going directly to the webserver so the F5 is stripping it somehow. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Current iRule when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/abc/generate" } { HTTP::header replace Host "mydomain.local" HTTP::uri "/OA_HTML/thisisatestGenerate.jsp" } if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/abc/validate" } { HTTP::header replace Host "mydomain.local" HTTP::uri "/OA_HTML/thisisatestValidate.jsp" }
- Kevin_Stewart
Try this:
when HTTP_REQUEST { set query "" if { [HTTP::query] ne "" } { set query "?[HTTP::query]" } switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { "/abc/generate*" { HTTP::header replace Host "mydomain.local" HTTP::uri "/OA_HTML/thisisatestGenerate.jsp${query}" } "/abc/validate*" { HTTP::header replace Host "mydomain.local" HTTP::uri "/OA_HTML/thisisatestValidate.jsp${query}" } } }
- jokragly
We have ASM but I do not have in enabled on this VIP right now as we are trying to get past this hurdle before enabling it.
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