Forum Discussion

Ravindra's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 15, 2019

Outstanding request per virtual server

How can we get outstanding request in F5 virtual server like number of request received, number of request processed and number of request pending ?


  • Hi Ravindra,

    you may take a look to the Virtual Server statistics. For HTTP traffic you will get independent counters for HTTP requests / responses...

    (tmsh) show ltm virtual VS_MyVirtualServer profiles raw

    Beside of this rather simple functionality you could also deploy some iRules on your Virtual Servers which are counting the individual request/response numbers of a given time-frame by using

    [table -subtable]

    when RULE_INIT {
        set static::statistic_lifetime 10   ; Seconds
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [HTTP::path] eq "/show_stats" } then {
            set http_response "
            Requests: [table keys -subtable "[virtual]_request_counter" -count]
            Pending: [table keys -subtable "[virtual]_pending_counter" -count]
            Response: [table keys -subtable "[virtual]_response_counter" -count]
            HTTP::respond 200 content $http_response "Content-Type" "text/html" "Connection" "close"
         Initialize request ID label
        set request_id "[TMM::cmp_unit][clock clicks]"
         Update requests and pendings
        table set -subtable "[virtual]_request_counter" $request_id indef $static::statistic_lifetime
        table set -subtable "[virtual]_pending_counter" $request_id indef $static::statistic_lifetime
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
         Update responses and remove pendings
        table set -subtable "[virtual]_response_counter" $request_id indef $static::statistic_lifetime
        table delete -subtable "[virtual]_pending_counter" $request_id

    Cheers, Kai