Forum Discussion

Jeremy_Bridges_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 25, 2011

Oracle/F5 RAC Integration and DevArt

So far, we have not been satisfied with how we have to manage our .NET deployments that need to connect to Oracle. Maintaining the Oracle client is a pain and XCopy deployment is not a lot better.



The best alternative we have found is the dotConnect product by DevArt:




They have a direct connect mode that doesn't require the Oracle client. Unfortunately, this mode doesn't support RAC (it will simply connect to the first server given by the Oracle listener).




We just started looking into F5's RAC solution:




It seems like it might solve this issue for us. If DevArt's connector is given an F5 VIP, it should treat it as one server. On the Oracle side, the connections should be evenly spread across RAC IP's and Oracle nodes.




What does everyone think? Are we barking up the wrong tree?


  • Good. Sounds like the solution should work as expected. Unfortunately, we found out recently that DevArt doesn't support several data types when using their direct mode (XML is the key one):





    So, we may still be stuck with the Oracle client.



    We'll probably still do the F5 tests. For there is plenty of benefit in using it. Even with using the Oracle client. We'll let you know how things go. Thanks!