I found out that the ocsp-iRule triggers correctly so I made a copy to include some log-statements.
The AUTH::status is 2, but I didn't get any result for the AUTH::response_data. Maybe I'm using the wrong syntax as I'm not a TCL-expert and I don't fully understand the example in the iRule-wiki.
I tried it with this syntax:
array set auth_response_data [AUTH::response_data]
log local0. "Auth response: [array get auth_response_data]"
Can you please help me with the correct syntax to hopefully getting one step further?
I also found an older post from hoolio, who stated that the AUTH::subscribe command is mandatory. As I don't know where the variable "tmm_auth_subscription" comes from, I removed the if-statement and called AUTH::subscribe directly. But still without any success. I don't see any outgoing traffic.
Ciao Stefan 🙂