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JRahm's avatar
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Jan 27, 2011

Object not displaying all fields

I'm using a proc from the wiki that prints fields:

proc print_fields { objVar } {
    upvar $objVar obj
    set fdx 0
    set fields [tmsh::get_field_names value $obj]
    set field_count [llength $fields]
    while { $fdx < $field_count } {
        set field [lindex $fields $fdx]
        puts "$field [tmsh::get_field_value $obj $field]"
        incr fdx
proc script::run {} {
    foreach vip [tmsh::get_config /ltm virtual] {
            puts [tmsh::get_name $vip]
            print_fields vip
            puts "\n"

When I run the script, I notice that not all my fields are present. For example, this vip when listed in tmsh:

root@golgotha(Active)(tmos) list ltm virtual cacti-vip
ltm virtual cacti-vip {
    connection-limit 1500
    ip-protocol tcp
    pool testpooln
    profiles {
        http { }
        tcp { }
    rules {
    snat automap
    translate-port disabled

Shows all the fields except the profiles:

root@golgotha(Active)(tmos) run cli script parttest.tcl
connection-limit 1500
ip-protocol tcp
pool testpooln
rules table_mgmt hashtest_distribution
snat automap
translate-port disabled

Is there another process I need to follow for the profiles? Each of those objects looks to have its own {}, is that maybe throwing it off?

  • Mark_Crosland_2's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    In the man page, help cli script, it talks about value fields and nested fields. Value fields are simple values or lists. A nested field (the missing profile list) can be used to retrieve nested objects. Nested objects also have fields, in this case the virtual/profile objects have a context field (clientside or serverside). Depending on the type of configuration, a nested object may also contain nested objects.



    proc script::run {} {



    tmsh::stateless enabled


    tmsh::create ltm virtual foo profiles replace-all-with "{ tcp http }"



    foreach vip [tmsh::get_config /ltm virtual foo all-properties] {


    foreach fld [tmsh::get_field_names value $vip] {


    puts "value field: $fld"




    foreach fld [tmsh::get_field_names nested $vip] {


    puts "nested field: $fld"




    foreach profile [tmsh::get_field_value $vip profiles] {


    puts "profile: [tmsh::get_name $profile]"


    foreach fld [tmsh::get_field_names value $profile] {


    puts " profile field: $fld: [tmsh::get_field_value $profile $fld]"










  • yeah, uh, RTFM has never been my strong suit. Sigh. Thanks Mark!
  • Mark_Crosland_2's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    As a general rule, a man page can also be used to figure out which fields contain/represent nested objects in the scripting interface. Any field that is a list (i.e., has operations like add, delete, replace-all-with, none, ....) and has properties is a nested object. Using "help ltm virtual" as an example, the profiles field is a list of profiles that also has a context property, so profiles are presented as nested objects in the scripting interface. Whereas the the vlans setting is a list of vlan names, but there are no configurable properties, so it is a simple list, and not a nested object.
  • That's really useful info Mark. I was struggling through this last week. Thanks for the tips.



  • Very good information, helped me a request this morning putting wideIP info into csv format:

    proc script::run {} {
        foreach wip [tmsh::get_config \gtm wideip] {
            append csvline "[tmsh::get_name $wip],"
            foreach pl [tmsh::get_field_value $wip pools] {
                append csvline "[tmsh::get_name $pl],"
                foreach pm [tmsh::get_config \gtm pool] {
                    if { [tmsh::get_name $pl] == [tmsh::get_name $pm] } {
                        foreach fld [tmsh::get_field_value $pm members] {
                            append csvline "[tmsh::get_name $fld],"
            puts "$csvline"
            unset csvline


    root@6400-1(Active)(tmos) run cli script getwips.tcl


