Forum Discussion
Node members of a specific Partition?
I'm just getting started (day 2) using iControl in .NET but I think I'm missing a concept that maybe I can get some help with here. Essentially what I'm looking to do is to be able and query for specific data contained within a given partition. I'm unclear on how I work within / narrow the scope of my requests to a specific partition when making a call like LocalLB.Pool.get_list. I can successfully make request about an F5’s state (m_SystemFailOver.get_failover_state()) or its Partitions member (F5Partitions() As iControl.ManagementPartitionAuthZPartition = m_management.get_partition_list()) but that’s all high level / system info. I'd like to create a function that will return to me the active nodes on a specific F5 under a specific partition.
Shown below is the basics of the function I’m looking to create. I'd think I should have to pass in the server address as well as the partition I'm interested. As for now (with no specific partition being passed) m_pool.get_list returns 0. I don't see how I can specify a partition. I thought there may be something like a public property to set but I’ve been unsuccessful thus far. Heres what I’m working with:
Private m_pool As iControl.LocalLBPool = New iControl.LocalLBPool
Function getEnabledNodes(ByVal server As String, ByVal partition As String)
Dim Nodes() As String = m_pool.get_list
I'll also note that I'm not an F5 administrator but a developer. So I concede that I might be within the wrong context of the API since I'm not very familiar with the UI/Administration otherwise. Any help to get me off the ground here would be appreciated.
- Hi Mike,
// Query partition_a's pools _interfaces.ManagementPartition.set_active_partition("partition_a"); String [] pool_a_list = _interfaces.LocalLBPool.get_list(); // Query partition_b's pools _interfaces.ManagementPartition.set_active_partition("partition_b"); String [] pool_b_list = _interfaces.LocalLBPool.get_list();
- Mike_63841Nimbostratus
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