Forum Discussion
Dec 16, 2010Nimbostratus
Node members of a specific Partition?
I'm just getting started (day 2) using iControl in .NET but I think I'm missing a concept that maybe I can get some help with here. Essentially what I'm looking to do is to be able and query for spec...
Dec 16, 2010
Hi Mike,
I wrote an article on the Partition methods a while back that may provide some insight.
You probably aren't concerned with the creation of the partitions, but at the end of the article, I talk about how to control the current partition you are accessing with the Management.Partition get_active_partition() and set_active_partition() methods.
The flow would be like this.
// Query partition_a's pools
String [] pool_a_list = _interfaces.LocalLBPool.get_list();
// Query partition_b's pools
String [] pool_b_list = _interfaces.LocalLBPool.get_list();
You only need to call set_active_partition once as it uses a server side state for your current logged in user to determine the partition you are working in. The default setting is Common if you haven't set it.
Hope this gives you enough to get things going. Please follow up if you have more questions.
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