Forum Discussion

Mihir_Joshi's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 04, 2017

Multiple port monitoring on LTM

I need help to write an iRule which helps to monitor three different service ports running on member server.


I have a web-server which accept connections on port 5555 but internally this service depends on service port 8024 or 8026. F5 should monitor all these three ports but bring down node when both 8024 and 8026 stop responding. Member web server should remain UP till either of service port 8024 or 8026 responding well. Same time I want active monitoring on port 5555 which means if port 5555 stop responding, member server status should be Down irrespective status of port 8024 and port 8026.


Port 5555 support https and rest two ports HTTP.


Thanks, Mihir


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Implement monitor 1 as an external monitor via a bash script (Or perl, anything that the BigIP includes really) that checks both ports via curl. Return success if one of them is up, failure if both requests fail.


  • Hi,


    create 3 monitors:


    • https_myapp type HTTPS with default parameters (except SEND / RECEIVE STRING)
    • http_myapp_8024 type HTTPS with default parameters (except SEND / RECEIVE STRING) and alias port 8024
    • http_myapp_8026 type HTTPS with default parameters (except SEND / RECEIVE STRING) and alias port 8026

    assign these 3 monitors to pool