Custom HTTP1.1 Monitor - Always Up
Hi everybody, Studying for the 201 right now and mucking around with custom monitors. Probably the billionth http custom monitor question but I have read through a few examples and don't seem to be able to work the problem out. I have 3 servers running Debian with Apache running, I have HTTP virtual servers which function fine and can retrieve pages from each of the 3 servers. On Server 1, I have created a file inside the /var/ww/html/ directory which contains a HTML file called "monitor.html" which contains the following. MonitorMonitor As you can see, quite straight forward. I have constructed a custom HTTP monitor with the following send string. GET /monitor.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n and I have set my receive string to simply "Monitor" (without quotations). My custom monitor is the only monitor assigned to the pool, the problem I am seeing is that it is marking all 3 servers as up even though the monitor.html file only exist on Server 1. If I perform a curl from the F5 to the server for that file this is what I see. [root@glb3:Active:In Sync] config curl MonitorMonitor For the other two I get 404 not found. [root@glb3:Active:In Sync] config curl -I HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2016 15:55:03 GMT Server: Apache/2.4.10 (Debian) Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 [root@glb3:Active:In Sync] config curl -I HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2016 15:55:07 GMT Server: Apache/2.4.10 (Debian) Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Can anybody explain to me exactly why it is marking all 3 pool members as up? I am a bit baffled as the monitor.html resource does not exist on server 2 and 3. Many thanks in advance. Baz415Views0likes2CommentsHTTP Monitor sends multiple requests with F5 in cluster
We have configured a HTTPS custom monitor to check a particular URL in the application, the problem is that our production environment has 4 F5 Big-IPs configured in cluster, we are facing a situation where each node of the cluster sends HTTP request to monitor the web servers so with a configured Interval of 10 seconds, we are actually reeving 4 HTTP calls every 10 seconds and not only one every 10 seconds as we would expect. Does anyone know if this is the default behavior for F5 and /or is there a way to have only 1 call every 10 seconds even if the F5 is in a cluster? Thank you230Views0likes1CommentHTTP monitor with username password - loginpage
I need to create a monitor to check the login page using the given credential(username and password). The link is HTTP and i am able to login to the page from my browser using the same credentials. eg. Monitor page: "; username: "test" password: "test@123" recveive string: "perfect" I tried with basic http monitor but it doesn't seems to be work, have someone came across such requirement with solution.238Views0likes1CommentHTTP health check flapping - potential offenders?
We are seeing random pool members drop out due to TCP errors on an HTTP health check (basic GET against a static HTML page) for a specific pool. Seems to be load related but we're not exactly sure where the resource starvation would be happening. Hosts are not reporting any tcp issues (not sure they would). 2200S on 12.1.2 HF1, AFM enabled (Cisco ASA at perimeter). About 35K active connections, 400 new conns/second and just shy of 1k HTTP req/s, ~100 SSL reqs/s. IIS backend (VMware hosted), four servers in pool. Normal app response time of 50-100ms per request. Netstat on host shows 650-700 active connections on port 80, out of which about 20 are from the LB IP at any given time, with TIME_WAIT status. Receive-side scaling disabled on hosts. Monitor request runs the following: "GET /lbcheck.htm HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n" Interval 5 secs, timeout 16 secs. Returns about 80 bytes ("Server is up" message) Error from log: Pool /Common/Pool-80 member /Common/ monitor status down. [ /Common/Isalive: down; last error: /Common/Isalive: Tcp read: Connection refused; Unable to connect; No successful responses received before deadline.; Response Code: 200 (OK) @2017/11/14 04:59:45. ] [ was up for 0hr:0min:13sec ] Any suggestions from the community on how to troubleshoot further would be greatly appreciated! (Switches, VMware virtual network, vNIC settings, Windows TCP tweaks, etc.) :)390Views0likes1CommentGTM with gtm servers, needs https monitor to a vip, not configured in the WIP
I have a GTM WIP that is being monitored by iQuery, to the LTM vips. Those VS's are shared by multiple apps, so I can't create a depends-on for the VS for a second monitor, so we need to have a GTM https monitor check status of a monitor page, on IP's not included in the GTM pool. Currently it's like this: WIP 1 resolves to; VIP 1 or VIP2 VIP 1 and VIP 2 load balance to devices that will pass the traffic to WIP 2 which resolves to VIP 3 or VIP 4. I need to be able to keep VIP 3 and 4 up if the LTM monitors are passing health check. But need to take it out of WIP1 gtm pool, if a second monitor to the pool members behind VIP 3 and 4 is down. Multiple apps use the same VS's in WIP 1, so I can't use a depends-on monitor vip, to control it. VIPS 3 & 4 would have a different monitor page than what the GTM would be checking, so the GTM could be have the site down, but the LTM virtuals could still be up.237Views0likes0CommentsHTTP monitor with response time configuration in receive string
Can i setup http monitor which send string as "GET /samplewebpage/something.jsp".Receive string condition should be 'if the response from this GET request doesn't cross 1 sec'. Means if the page loading takes more than 1 sec to load, then the pool member will be marked as down.This means BIGIP should intercept the "timing" section (when you hit F12 on browser, Network -> Timings-> response value) So is this can be achieved ? if yes how to configure the receive string. Please suggest.355Views0likes1CommentMultiple port monitoring on LTM
I need help to write an iRule which helps to monitor three different service ports running on member server. I have a web-server which accept connections on port 5555 but internally this service depends on service port 8024 or 8026. F5 should monitor all these three ports but bring down node when both 8024 and 8026 stop responding. Member web server should remain UP till either of service port 8024 or 8026 responding well. Same time I want active monitoring on port 5555 which means if port 5555 stop responding, member server status should be Down irrespective status of port 8024 and port 8026. Port 5555 support https and rest two ports HTTP. Thanks, Mihir522Views0likes2CommentsHTTPS monitors not getting the members up
In one scenario, I am asked to create two VIPs, which point to the same backend servers and same port i.e 443, just that they are used for different applications. So, I was suggested to create two pools, with the same set of pool-members(server IP:port) just that two separate HTTPS monitors. The two monitors were also identical, however in the GET string used in 'send' field, they were using different HOSTs. Now, out of the two pools, one is UP and the other is NOT... what can be the issue? Pool A Monitor send string "GET /health/prospect HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n" Pool B Monitor send string "GET /health HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"199Views0likes2CommentsHTTP Monitor Shows UP even Recv String is different
Hello Folks, Straight to my question, I have a monitor as below: Send String: GET /app/ping HTTP/1.1\r\\r\nConnection: Close\r\n Receive String : active I want my member to be down if I get back receive string other than "active". Currently member is showing up even if the receive string is different. How should i implement for this to work? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!235Views0likes1Comment