Forum Discussion

RecontuerSG_258's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Apr 30, 2017

Multiple Layered Virtual Servers - Each different SSO method

Dear all, I have configured layered virtual servers to have SSO for full network access users coming in from mobile devices. A webtop is not feasible in my deployment scenario.


The layered virtual server has source = destination = This virtual server has an SSO access policy profile configured for ntlm SSO.


However, there is a particular site that uses HTTP Basic. So I'd created another layered VS: source = destination = 10.x.x.x/32


Traffic will ALWAYS flow through virtual server configured with NTLM SSO even if I browse to that HTTP Basic site.


Is there a way to have multiple layered VS and each has a different SSO?


Thank you!


  • Hi,

    The VS with greater mask length must match and not the other one. there may be a configuration error.

    you can also change SSO profile with an irule :

        if {([IP::addr [IP::local_addr]/32 equals])} {
            WEBSSO::select /Common/sso_basic
  • RecontuerSG_258's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Thanks Kevin and Stanislas. Source is an internal IP pool used to assigned to authenticated mobile users via the APM login page.


  • Just above destination...


    You can create multiple vs with same destination but with different sources.


  • What does "source" mean in the description above? Where are you configuring this on the virtual server.