Forum Discussion

Janduci_174111's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 15, 2014




I have 1 BIG-IP 1600 with 2 internet links. I want to configure 1 monitor. I want to use icmp for this. In the field alias address in step configuration monitor I can put two different IP addresses to be monitored?


  • Create a monitor - then modify pool created and in resources add the monitor you crated.. that is what applying the monitor to the pool means


  • Thanks for your response.


    In the monitor configuration process, I can not configure a pool. I can only put an IP address in the "address alias"


  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    You can create a server pool containing the gateway addresses of the two links and apply the monitor on the pool.