Forum Discussion

cshannahan_3137's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 05, 2018

Monitoring Window server (WMI, services, etc)

I have a Windows server with a home grown process I would like to monitor. The server sometimes has issues that cause the CPU to go to 100% and many services stop responding. The server still responds to pings though, so it doesn't get taken out of the pool.


I would like to maybe use the WMI monitor to see if it will work for monitoring the health of the server, and if it doesn't respond to the check it will take it out. I know monioring windows processes are hard or not builtin. The service does use HTTP but the dev guys won't get back to me on what to query.


I read this, and was thinking about setting it up.


Unfortunately I can't find the .dll file anywhere, WHERE IS THIS FILE!??


Any other recommendations or suggestions?