Forum Discussion

symtex_22198's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 23, 2009

modify SIP contact header param




we are using a location server which basically gets SIP invites from a SIP proxy then sends 302 redirect messages.



I have been trying to modify the IP address parameter in the Contact header which is in the 302 message. this IP address will vary, but I want to set it statically



the contact header will have a URI in the format of number xxxxxxxxxxxxx@ since this is my first irule. I'm struggling.



here is what I've been trying with no success.





set contact [ SIP::header Contact ]


set telephone 0


set bind 0


regexp {[0-9]{13}} $contact telephone


regexp {[0-9]{8}} $contact bind


SIP::header insert [format \"$bind\"



the header just returns a 0 or a 1... maybe I should try the -inline switch with regexp???

    % scan {"16601003"} {%[^<]%[^@]@%[^:]:%s} a b c d




    % puts "$a $b $c $d"




    % puts "$b $c $d"







  • Ha, you got it!



    I was going to suggest something like this, but your version works fine too.



    % scan {"16601003"} {"%[^"]"%[^@]@%[^:]:%s} ignore1 a ignore2 b




    % puts "$ignore1 $a $ignore2 $b"





  • today I tried to modify my irule to insert the ip address of the client instead of the IP address being statically configured in the irule



    I got the following error, this is strange I thought it would be supported:


    Jan 7 14:05:17 tmm tmm[1995]: 01220001:3: TCL error: SIP_SG_Redirect - Error: No clientside connection established (line 20) invoked from within "IP::client_addr"



    here is the irule as it is now:




    when SIP_RESPONSE {



    Check for 302 responses


    if {[SIP::response code] == 302}{



    Parse the Contact header value "16601003" using scan


    % scan {"16601003"} {%[^<]%[^@]@%[^:]:%s} a b c d




    % puts "$a $b $c $d"




    if {[scan [SIP::header value "Contact"] {%[^<]%[^@]@%[^:]:%s} a b c d] == 4}{



    parsed 4 strings into a b c d


    log local0. "Parsed [SIP::header value "Contact"] into $a, $b, $c $d"



    Remove existing Contact header


    SIP::header remove "Contact"



    Insert new Contact header with set as a static IP address


    On January 07 2010 I modified the script to enter the client source IP address instead


    of statically setting the SIP server's IP address


    SIP::header insert "Contact" "${b}@[IP::client_addr]>"



    log local0. "Inserting new Contact header: ${b}@[IP::client_addr]>"









  • I'm not sure what the request/response flow is for your scenario. But you could try saving the client IP in SIP_REQUEST and then use the variable instead of IP::client_addr in SIP_RESPONSE.



  • Aaron,



    I was thinking about doing exactly that, but since the documentation states that IP::client_addr is supported under the SIP_RESPONSE. I wanted to ask to make sure I wasn't missing something.



    the request, response flow is simple. We have a SIP proxy that forwards all INVITES it receives to a REDIRECT server. We are using LTM to load balance those redirect servers. We initially started with one SIP proxy as a client but there will be more, hence the necessity to use IP::client_addr instead of the IP addr of that one SIP proxy.