Forum Discussion

kjbayliss_51333's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 09, 2012

Missing reply in XML

I've got an irule that has no definition (the rule definition is just blank, ignore why). I'm querying "urn:iControl:LocalLB/Rule/query_rule" and passing a list of irule names (all valid, existing irules, including the one with an empty definition).



I expected the reply from query_rule to return a rule_name and an empty rule_definition.



Instead, the item is just missing. Checking the XML I see that the XML reply has no reference to my "empty" irule.



Why didn't it reply with an empty rule_definition ?



I can code around the discovery but the irule exists (has a name) why doesn't it have elements (even if blank) in the responce ?



What am I missing ?




  • That is a bug. The output of this method should always be parallel in structure to the input, which is the case for all methods of this form. Here is a bug number: 406485.


    You'll have to work around it for now.