Forum Discussion
Aug 09, 2012Nimbostratus
Missing reply in XML
I've got an irule that has no definition (the rule definition is just blank, ignore why). I'm querying "urn:iControl:LocalLB/Rule/query_rule" and passing a list of irule names (all valid, existing irules, including the one with an empty definition).
I expected the reply from query_rule to return a rule_name and an empty rule_definition.
Instead, the item is just missing. Checking the XML I see that the XML reply has no reference to my "empty" irule.
Why didn't it reply with an empty rule_definition ?
I can code around the discovery but the irule exists (has a name) why doesn't it have elements (even if blank) in the responce ?
What am I missing ?
- Todd_Cromwell_9NimbostratusThat is a bug. The output of this method should always be parallel in structure to the input, which is the case for all methods of this form. Here is a bug number: 406485.
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