Forum Discussion

RahulG's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Oct 16, 2024

Migration from physical Hardware to R series

I have a physical hardware box 4000s in which there are 4 X 1 gig interfaces in a trunk. In new r series device r4600 we have trunk with two 25 gig interfaces.

Can I copy the UCS from old device and load it on the new device using no license no platform check command ? 

Anyone has done this type of migration, please let me know the steps you followed.

  • Hi Rahul,


    When you use journeys it will migrate the BIG-IP Configuration objects - vs,pools,pool members, nodes etc.  pre-configuration of the destination device network details should be completed prior to migrating a configuration.  Posting a snippet of the Journeys pre-req:


    1. Destination System preparation for JOURNEYS
      1. Destination BIG-IP should be in Active state.
      2. If migrating from BIG-IP 14.0.x or lower, ensure that mgmt-dhcp value in sys global-settings on the Destination System is set to either disabled or enabled. Any other values - namely dhcpv4 and dhcpv6, available starting at 14.1.0 - will cause an error during configuration loading.
      3. VLANs, trunks and interfaces should already be configured on vCMP, rSeries and VELOS systems. For more details, please refer to: Platform-migrate option overview: K82540512.

    • RahulG's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      Thanks Jeffrey for the reply. 

      Does this mean Management IP, trunk and VLAN information will be picked from the Appliance and this information in the UCS from old device will not have any impact on the destination tenant ?