Forum Discussion

carter91_13591's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 03, 2014

Microsoft Exchange 2013 iApp - Can't login to OWA or ECP if more than one server is active in pool

I just deployed the latest 2013 iApp for Exchange 2013. We have 5 servers, and the iApp deployment went good and quick. However, we can not log into OWA or the ECP when more than one pool member is active. You get to the login page, you type your username and password and it looks like it's logging you in for a brief moment, then kicks you back to the logon page. If I go into the OWA pool, and disabled all but one of the members, you can log in and access your mailbox or ECP just fine.


Anything you can think of to look at? I have a support case with F5, but sometimes people on here have ran into this before.