Forum Discussion

DM_5174's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 23, 2011

merging two irules into one efficient one.

Hi All,

I was wondering if there is a way to merge two irules into one effcient one. The first irule checks the host

and if a user is coming in as, it will rewrite the host header to, and if nothing matches, it should redirect all inbound http request to httpS.

The second irule uses a datagroup string that matches the URI. so if the users puts in they will get redirected to



iRule 1



when HTTP_REQUEST { Check if the Host is

if { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] eq ""} {

Rewrite the Host header to

HTTP::header replace Host ""

} else {

HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"



iRule 2


    look for the second string in the data group and redirect 
   set newURI [findclass [HTTP::uri] $::newURI-Datagroup " "] 
   if { "" ne $newURI } { 
      HTTP::redirect "$newURI" 

  • I was wondering what I am doing wrong here...if you look at the results, I get a "double forward slash" after the redirect completes.

    data group string parameter:


    Data-group name:URI-datagroup


    /abc/app1 /123/app100

    /abc/app2 /123/app200

    /abc/app3 /123/app300

    /abc/app4 /123/app400

    /abc/app5 /123/app500

    Coming From:

    Redirected To:

    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
           look for the second string in the data group 
          set newURI [findclass [HTTP::uri] $::URI-datagroup" "] 
          if { "" ne $newURI } { 
             HTTP::redirect "$newURI" 
       } else { 
    HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" 
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    You can avoid this by removing the forward slash between .com and $newURI:



    HTTP::redirect "$newURI"



  • Thanks Aaron, I will give that a try...How about merging the two irules into one? Can you


    give your expert help on the best way? I have the irules above.



    Thanks again,


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    You have three main actions from the two iRules:



    - rewrite host header from to


    - redirect to https:// with the same host and URI the client requested


    - redirect to a new URI based on the datagroup lookup



    These are all mutually exclusive actions. When do you want these actions taken?



  • Hi Aaron,



    These are the actions required.



    1- rewrite host header from to


    2- redirect to a new URI based on the datagroup lookup



    and if neither action 1 or 2 does not match, than default is action 3


    3- redirect to https:// with the same host and URI the client requested



    I have tried your suggestion and for some reason i sometime get the correct redirect, but some of the


    datagroup string parameter does not work. I know I am using the correct syntax with I put this in the URL.


    for example does not go to as per the matching in the


    data group and so on...



    I have put back the "/$newURI" and it all works correctly, the only issue is the double slasshes as below.





    Thanks Aaron!







  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    So maybe something like this?

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        Check if the Host is
       if { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] eq ""} { 
           Rewrite the Host header to
          HTTP::header replace Host "" 
       } else {
           look for the second string in the data group and redirect 
          set newURI [findclass [HTTP::uri] $::newURI-Datagroup " "] 
          if { "" ne $newURI } { 
             HTTP::redirect "$newURI" 
          } else {
             HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" 

    If you're having issues with the redirects, can you post an anonymized copy of the datagroup contents from the bigip.conf? Please also note a couple of URIs which do and don't work.



    Hi Aaron,



    The merge works great, however, I am still getting the "double slashes" after the URI...So for example, gets correctly


    redirected now to -- however if you see there is a dboule slasshes after the "123". I have included the class from the bigip.conf files with the contents changed to match this thread.



    This is driving me crazy...I think everything is done correctly, but something is not set correctly. If i take the "/" from the


    class, it does not work at all...(change the string to "/abc/app1 123/app100" or "abc/app1 /123/app100")



    Thanks again.





    class newURI-Datagroup {


    "/abc/app1 /123/app100"


    "/abc/app2 /123/app200"


    "/abc/app3 /123/app300"


    "/abc/app4 /123/app400"


    "/abc/app5 /123/app500"


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Yeah, you'll need the leading forward slash on the second field of the datagroup entries. Can you log the mapping in the iRule and reply with the output from /var/log/ltm?

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        Check if the Host is
       if { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] eq ""} { 
           Rewrite the Host header to
          HTTP::header replace Host "" 
       } else {
           look for the second string in the data group and redirect 
          set newURI [findclass [HTTP::uri] $::newURI-Datagroup " "]
          if { "" ne $newURI } {
             log local0. "Mapped [HTTP::uri] to $newURI"
             HTTP::redirect "$newURI" 
          } else {
             HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" 

  • Hi Aaron,



    Below are the logs in the ltm. As you can see, I have tried it both with removing the "/' from "$neURI" (this does not work at all), to keeping "/$newURI". This at least redirects correctly but adds an extra "/" to" as an example.



    May 23 18:01:33 tmm tmm[993]: Rule TEST_URI_Matching : Mapped /abc/app1 to /123/app100


    May 23 18:01:35 tmm tmm[993]: Rule TEST_URI_Matching : Mapped /abc/app1 to /123/app100




    What seems to be the problem? Can we accomplish this another way? This is killing me and we have a deadline to get this working..All the help from you


    is greatly appreciated.





  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Can you email me and we can try to solve this a little quicker? My address is my first name at



    Thanks, Aaron