Forum Discussion

Jrivas181's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 23, 2020

Max Recommended Idle TCP timeout and Keep alive interval

I have a scenario where users are running scripts that run through a virtual server but are getting closed after the default 300 second idle timeout. The reason is the script sends commands to the VS to run and waits for a response. At times the jobs finish under five minutes but there are a lot of jobs that run longer which lead to false positives causing errors.


I have increased the tcp idle timout and keep alive temporarily but main question is is there a "MAX" recommended setting for idle timeout and keep alive. I know it can be set to indefinite but I do not know if that is wise as it could lead to port exhaustion.


Any tips would be great,


  • no one can give you an exact max recommended setting because we don't know your environment. what works for one doesnt for another. i would go with the advice from this K article:


    In most cases, F5 recommends that you set the idle timeout to a small-as-possible finite value.


    so talk with the people running the scripts or the admin of the server where they run these scripts. what is a valid maximum time these scripts can run. then adjust based on that.