I dug into this to see how we did it with the f5sdk back in the day...it has a debug mode that will output the request as a curl command. Successful execution in the sdk:
b = ManagementRoot('ltm15', 'adminuser', 'adminpassword', debug=True, token=True)
token = b.shared.authz.tokens_s.token.load(name=b.icrs.token)
token.timeout = 3600
And the debug output:
'curl -k -X PUT https://ltm15:443/mgmt/shared/authz/tokens/IN6XYCZIBIMSAVANXOS4E7RTSM/ -H \'User-Agent: python-requests/2.31.0 f5-icontrol-rest-python/1.3.13\' -H \'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\' -H \'Accept: */*\' -H \'Connection: keep-alive\' -H \'Content-Type: application/json\' -H \'Content-Length: 534\' -H \'X-F5-Auth-Token: IN6XYCZIBIMSAVANXOS4E7RTSM\' -d \'{"address": "", "authProviderName": "tmos", "expirationMicros": 1684862265552000, "generation": 1, "kind": "shared:authz:tokens:authtokenitemstate", "lastUpdateMicros": 1684861065552579, "name": "IN6XYCZIBIMSAVANXOS4E7RTSM", "partition": "[All]", "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/tokens/IN6XYCZIBIMSAVANXOS4E7RTSM", "startTime": "2023-05-23T09:57:45.552-0700", "timeout": 3600, "token": "IN6XYCZIBIMSAVANXOS4E7RTSM", "user": {"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"}, "userName": "admin"}\''
So it looks like a PUT, not a PATCH, sorry about that. I was able to trim everything out of the update except for the timeout and the user fields, so a final working curl command for me (with newlines for reading clarity):
curl -k -X PUT https://ltm15:443/mgmt/shared/authz/tokens/IN6XYCZIBIMSAVANXOS4E7RTSM/
-H 'User-Agent: python-requests/2.31.0 f5-icontrol-rest-python/1.3.13'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{"timeout": 1300, "user": {"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"}}'