Forum Discussion

Yung_Liu_24419's avatar
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Feb 05, 2006

Match Across Services, Virtual Servers and Pools




Could someone please help explaining to me the difference between Match Across Services and Match Across Virtual Servers? An example will be much appreciated. I also have difficulty understanding Match Across Pools. According to the BigIP document, "Match Across Pools specifies that the LTM system can use any pool that contains this persistence entry." My understanding is that persistence is property of (assigned to) a virtual server and not a pool. Again, an example is greatly appreciated.



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    Thank you,
  • Michael_Voight_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Match across services - generally if you have 2 virtuals using the same nodes, but different ports. This would be like wanting to go to the same node when using a different virtual for https than you did for http


    Match across virtuals - In this case, the pool members (ip and port) are the same, but the virtuals might have different addresses. So, if the client connects virtual x then a persistence entry is created. So, when the client goes to virtual y, he would go to the same pool member.


    Match across pools - If the ltm has a persistence entry for a specific client, and the client connects to any virtual with "match across pools" enabled, the connection will use the pool member matching the persistence entry, even if the virtual the connection went to does not have the pool member in its configured pool ............. Be very careful with this one