Forum Discussion

MSK_222682's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 06, 2016

Maintenance page using iFiles

Hi, I'm trying to setup a maintenance page using iFiles. I have gone through the below link and configured iFiles, iFiles List and created an irule as mentioned below, https://devcentr...
  • Yann_Desmarest_'s avatar
    May 06, 2016



    this irule serve api_asia_html content when the user reach / only. It will fail if you try to reach another uri or the same uri with query parameters. Also, can you check that you bind an HTTP profile, Client SSL profile (if https) to your Virtual Server and that the VS is reachable from the location of your testing ?


    You can also check the ltm logs to identify potentials issues or tcl errors.