6 TopicsMaintenance page using iFiles
Hi, I'm trying to setup a maintenance page using iFiles. I have gone through the below link and configured iFiles, iFiles List and created an irule as mentioned below, iRule: when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] eq "/" } { HTTP::respond 200 content [ifile get api_asia_html] } else { discard } } However, after attaching the above iRule I cannot access the virtual server as it gets timed out. Not sure if I'm missing something in my irule, which calls an html page with images already embedded. Can anyone please verify my irule and let me know what I'm missing, so that anyone accessing this virtual server should see maintenance window page. Thanks in advance, MSKSolved1.1KViews0likes10CommentsHow to forward the requests to another URL using iRule
Hi, I have a scenario wherein I have to forward all the incoming requests to a virtual server ( to another URL something like which hosts the maintenance page, so that users could see the maintenance page. However, this should be transparent to the end user viz, they should not see in their browsers when accessing the virtual server in question. Can anyone help me with the irule in this regard. P.S. I have tried the iFile but the maintnance page is only working for IE but not with Chrome & Mozilla. Thanks in advance, MSK268Views0likes2CommentsConnection Reset a while after node offline
Hi, Setup: HTTPS virtual server with a pool, SNAT automap and OneConnect. Action on service down is reject, monitor is http result code checking. iRules (in order of precedence) Maintenance page Inserting X-Forwarded-For: and more header work, possible pool selection and HTTP::respond based on URI.. The issue: Suppose there is node01 and node02. I get cookie persisted to node01. When I shut down node01 and refresh the page, I get a connection reset. This is the same for about 10 seconds and then I get persisted to the new node. If I do not include the return in the maintenace irule, I get the maintenance page. Any ideas why it takes 10 seconds before I get persisted to the new node? When I assign an inband monitor, the first request will fail but subsequent ones will work. How can I make ANY request work? When picking reselect and max_reselect to 3, everything works. But is this ideal?314Views0likes1CommentMaintenance page with an image using iRule and iFile, image never gets displayed
Hello, Having an issue getting image to display...Have created an iFile and selected an image previously uploaded, iRule calls for that file, however, image never displays, only text. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Used following article as a starting point: when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] < 1 } { switch [HTTP::uri] { "/maintenance.png" {HTTP::respond 200 content [ifile get "maintenance.png"] "Content-Type" "image/png" } default {HTTP::respond 200 content { is currently in maintenance, sorry for any inconvenience. } } } } } I have tried specifying /Common/maintenance.png, still no show. When I browse the file system, that image is actually under: /config/filestore/files_d/Common_d/ifile_d/Common:maintenance.png_62680_1 Many thanks in advance.871Views0likes1CommentProcedure to remove F5 DNS Controller/GTM from iquery sync group, to allow maintenance?
Env: F5 LTM and GTMs at 11.5.2 In order to perform maintenance on GTMs, our thought is to remove the unit in question from the iQuery sync group, to prevent any possible impact to the gslb resolution of wide IPs involved. Is there a procedure for doing so? I don't see anything in the Admin guide etc. docs. Or, is there an alternate recommendation to prevent impact on DNS resolution from a GTM potentially being offline or in an uncertain state? (Note that separately we need to prevent any DNS requests from being sent to the GTM to be removed from the sync group - i have that part sorted). Thx!675Views0likes1CommentLTM V10.2 - Splash Page image file
Hi folks! I have a requirement where the BIG-IP LTM has to present the user with a splash page (image file) when all of their servers are offline. Base on some previous dev central threads, looks like it can be done by converting the image file to base64 format and placing this encoded string into a iRule group and then access it using an iRule. I have successfully decoded the base64 string back to the image file using a tool just to verify that the base64 string is valid. Here is how my iRule looks to test out the image file on the browser. when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::respond 200 content [b64decode [lindex $::Test_Lab_Splash_Page_Group 0]] "Content-Type" "image/png" } Following is the error that I see in the log file. 01220001:3: TCL error: Test_Lab_Splash_Page - conversion error invoked from within "b64decode [lindex $::Test_Lab_Splash_Page_Group 0]"357Views0likes3Comments