Forum Discussion

NiHo_202842's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Oct 13, 2016

Connection Reset a while after node offline



HTTPS virtual server with a pool, SNAT automap and OneConnect. Action on service down is reject, monitor is http result code checking.

iRules (in order of precedence)

Maintenance page


Inserting X-Forwarded-For:


and more header work, possible pool selection and HTTP::respond based on URI..

The issue:

Suppose there is node01 and node02. I get cookie persisted to node01. When I shut down node01 and refresh the page, I get a connection reset. This is the same for about 10 seconds and then I get persisted to the new node. If I do not include the return in the maintenace irule, I get the maintenance page.

Any ideas why it takes 10 seconds before I get persisted to the new node?

When I assign an inband monitor, the first request will fail but subsequent ones will work. How can I make ANY request work?

When picking reselect and max_reselect to 3, everything works. But is this ideal?

  • Hi NiHo,


    You may read the information of SOL10640 to understand what happens internaly if a pool member just gets unhealthy and what is required to catch those situations without getting a connection reset for the ongoing request.



    Cheers, Kai