Forum Discussion
Maintaining persistancy based on Unique transaction ID for 2 different URI
Explaining a bit about scenario. Customer has requirement of sending certain traffic to specific node within a pool for 2 different URI with same transactionID (attaching snapshot for 2 sample transcationID) . The objective is api /req and api /resp should land on same node. Below irule seems not working as expected. the below irule is attached to persistancy uie and attached to vs.
set txnid [findstr [HTTP::uri] "urn:txnid:" 10 ";"]
# set txnid [string range $string1 10 end]
# log local0. " Printing txnid: $txnid for [HTTP::uri]"
if { $txnid != "" } {
persist uie $txnid
Have done a bit of modification, can you please look into this and suggest any modifications. The new sample irule:
if { (([string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "/upi/respbalenq/") or ([string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "/upi/reqbalenq/") and ( [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "/urn:txnid:auto" ) } {
set txnid [findstr [HTTP::uri] "urn:txnid:" 10 ";"]
#set string1 [findstr [HTTP::URI] "urn:txnid:"]
#set txnid [string range $string1 10 end]
Log local0. " Printing txnid: $txnid for [HTTP::uri}"
if { $trxnid != ""} {
persist uie $txnid
pool inq_bal
} else {
In the snapshot is selfip and / 100 / 101 are backend servers. Objective is if transaction ID is same for both api (req and resp) , it should always land on same node.
Hi Amith,
I think your iRule is missing the part when you add the persistence record. Example:
persist add uie [findstr [HTTP::uri] "urn:txnid:" 10 ";"]
Check here:
and here:
With your iRule you are looking up a record that was never created.
Furthermore you can list existing persistence records and verify that your iRule works, see here:
- Amith_Rajgopal_
Thanks Daniel for response.
I am under impression persist add uie is to be used for http_response and we are not inspecting response of the server.
Am i going wrong in my understanding?
You are right with your understanding, it must be inserted as part of the response.
- spalande
Can you try configuring oneconnect profile with /32 mask and see if that makes a diffrence? With oneconnect, F5 should detach the connection and reload-balance using persistence record per HTTP request.
- Amith_Rajgopal_
Sure Sanjay. I will try Oneconnect too.
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