Forum Discussion

Abhijith_KS_302's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Mar 30, 2017

LTM,Websafe and APM upgrade from 11.6.1 to 12.1.2

Hi All,


I will be upgrading my BIG IP from 11.6.1 HF6 to 12.1.2 which has APM and Websafe modules as well.SO couple of questions :


1) Before upgrade I will be reactivating the license, will this automatically reactivate my APM and websafe as well, or do I need a separate license for APM and Websafe ?


2) Will my APM policies break post upgrade ?


  • When I upgraded my boxes from 11.6 to 12.1.2 I did not experience any issues with my APM configuration. That doesn't mean that there aren't any conflicts (I really don't know), but in my experience my upgrade went flawless. Just make sure you have a backup in case you need to roll back (System -> Archives -> Create)


    Can't comment on the Websafe part of it.