LTM Packet Tracer Analysis
I am looking for a packet tracer of sorts, for the LTM, even if I can get something 80% out of the box would be great. Here is my dilemma.
When we have a site that is down, for a given domain, lets call it, I need to be able to pass this to the LTM and have it render some feedback on it's processing/manipulation/decision making. It would need to evaluate packet filters, routes, profiles, VS configuration, iRule, classes etc to name a few.
Simplified request... I am looking for something I can pass a source IP, source port, destination IP, destination Port and some HTTP options (method, hostheader, path, useragent, etc) and it returns back "LTM picked pool "POOL_ABC" due to iRule processing, source NAT was changed to x.x.x.x, header inserted _____, landing on serverA.