Forum Discussion

nikzin_341815's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 03, 2019

LTM Monitor Receive String

Hello, my ltm monitor receive string doesn't work. Problem is that i am only interested in one line. Here is the whole output of the receive sting:


{ "returnCode": 0, "version": "", "product": "match", "command": "list project", "errorMsg": "OK", "projectList": [ { "projectId": "4711", "author": "Sam Sample", "description": "Test", "title": "Example", "configurationTime": "Date:Time", "state": "RUNNING" } ] }


For me only the line with: "state": "RUNNING" is interesting. When this is changing pool member should be go offline and no traffic will be forwarded. I have tested with differnet wildcards e.g.:




But it doesn't work.


Thankfull for any help.


Cheers, Nikolas


  • The receive string uses regex to match, however just put in the following which should match:

    "state": "RUNNING"
  • Hi,

    You can also try:


    with "\s?", my regular expression will accept the following expression (with and without space):

    • "state": "RUNNING"
    • "state":"RUNNING"
