Forum Discussion

Carlande_Desarm's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 31, 2018

LTM Log Format Meaning

While practicing, i came accross different tlm logs and formats which i think have some specific meanings. by example when you add a pool member, a a log is generated. But i am not able to understand from the logs when more than one pool members have been added or if it is about the same pool member.


So my question is: from the ltm logs format, how do i understand if it is referring to same pool member or different pool members.


local/bigip-1 notice bigd[3747]: 01060001:5: new pool member local/bigip-1 notice mcpd[3741]: 01070638:5: new pool member local/bigip-1 notice bigd[3747]: 01060001:5: new pool member local/bigip-1 notice mcpd[3741]: 01070727:5: new pool member


how do you read the format? like the number inside the [ ] after the process. As well as the status code, it is separated by a colon. Sometimes numbers are same, sometimes not.










How do i know if logs is for the same added pool member or a different or new member?


Please help understanding that point.


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