Converting a Cisco ACE configuration file to F5 BIG-IP Format
In September, Cisco announced that it was ceasing development and pulling back on sales of its Application Control Engine (ACE) load balancing modules. Customers of Cisco’s ACE product line will now have to look for a replacement product to solve their load balancing and application delivery needs.
One of the first questions that will come up when a customer starts looking into replacement products surrounds the issue of upgradability. Will the customer be able to import their current configuration into the new technology or will they have to start with the new product from scratch. For smaller businesses, starting over can be a refreshing way to clean up some of the things you’ve been meaning to but weren’t able to for one reason or another. But, for a large majority of the users out there, starting over from nothing with a new product is a daunting task.
To help with those users considering a move to the F5 universe, DevCentral has included several scripts to assist with the configuration migration process. In our Codeshare section we created some scripts useful in converting ACE configurations into their respective F5 counterparts.
We also have scripts covering Cisco’s CSS ( ) and CSM products ( ) as well.
In this article, I’m going to focus on the ace2f5-tmsh” in the script library.
The script takes as input an ACE configuration and creates a TMSH script to create the corresponding F5 BIG-IP objects.
$ perl ace_config > tmsh_script
We could leave it at that, but I’ll use this article to discuss the components of the ACE configuration and how they map to F5 objects.
The ip object in the ACE configuration is defined like this:
ip route
equates to a tmsh “net route” command.
net route { network gw }
An “rserver” is basically a node containing a server address including an optional “inservice” attribute indicating whether it’s active or not.
ACE Configuration
rserver host R190-JOEINC0060 ip address rserver host R191-JOEINC0061 ip address inservice rserver host R192-JOEINC0062 ip address inservice rserver host R193-JOEINC0063 ip address inservice
It will be used to find the IP address for a given rserver hostname.
A serverfarm is a LTM pool except that it doesn’t have a port assigned to it yet.
ACE Configuration
serverfarm host MySite-JoeInc predictor hash url rserver R190-JOEINC0060 inservice rserver R191-JOEINC0061 inservice rserver R192-JOEINC0062 inservice rserver R193-JOEINC0063 inservice
F5 Configuration
ltm pool Insiteqa-JoeInc { load-balancing-mode predictive-node members { { address }} members { { address }} members { { address }} }
a “probe” is a LTM monitor except that it does not have a port.
ACE Configuration
probe tcp MySite-JoeInc interval 5 faildetect 2 passdetect interval 10 passdetect count 2
will map to the TMSH “ltm monitor” command.
F5 Configuration
ltm monitor Insiteqa-JoeInc { defaults from tcp interval 5 timeout 10 retry 2 }
The “sticky” object is a way to create a persistence profile. First you tie the serverfarm to the persist profile, then you tie the profile to the Virtual Server.
ACE Configuration
sticky ip-netmask address source MySite-JoeInc-sticky timeout 60 replicate sticky serverfarm MySite-JoeInc
A “class-map” assigns a listener, or Virtual IP address and port number which is used for the clientside and serverside of the connection.
ACE Configuration
class-map match-any vip-MySite-JoeInc-12345 2 match virtual-address tcp eq 12345 class-map match-any vip-MySite-JoeInc-1433 2 match virtual-address tcp eq 1433 class-map match-any vip-MySite-JoeInc-31314 2 match virtual-address tcp eq 31314 class-map match-any vip-MySite-JoeInc-8080 2 match virtual-address tcp eq 8080 class-map match-any vip-MySite-JoeInc-http 2 match virtual-address tcp eq www class-map match-any vip-MySite-JoeInc-https 2 match virtual-address tcp eq https
a policy-map of type loadbalance simply ties the persistence profile to the Virtual . the “multi-match” attribute constructs the virtual server by tying a bunch of objects together.
ACE Configuration
policy-map type loadbalance first-match vip-pol-MySite-JoeInc class class-default sticky-serverfarm MySite-JoeInc-sticky policy-map multi-match lb-MySite-JoeInc class vip-MySite-JoeInc-http loadbalance vip inservice loadbalance policy vip-pol-MySite-JoeInc loadbalance vip icmp-reply class vip-MySite-JoeInc-https loadbalance vip inservice loadbalance vip icmp-reply class vip-MySite-JoeInc-12345 loadbalance vip inservice loadbalance policy vip-pol-MySite-JoeInc loadbalance vip icmp-reply class vip-MySite-JoeInc-31314 loadbalance vip inservice loadbalance policy vip-pol-MySite-JoeInc loadbalance vip icmp-reply class vip-MySite-JoeInc-1433 loadbalance vip inservice loadbalance policy vip-pol-MySite-JoeInc loadbalance vip icmp-reply class reals nat dynamic 1 vlan 240 class vip-MySite-JoeInc-8080 loadbalance vip inservice loadbalance policy vip-pol-MySite-JoeInc loadbalance vip icmp-reply
F5 Configuration
ltm virtual vip-Insiteqa-JoeInc-12345 { destination pool Insiteqa-JoeInc persist my_source_addr profiles { tcp {} } } ltm virtual vip-Insiteqa-JoeInc-1433 { destination pool Insiteqa-JoeInc persist my_source_addr profiles { tcp {} } } ltm virtual vip-Insiteqa-JoeInc-31314 { destination pool Insiteqa-JoeInc persist my_source_addr profiles { tcp {} } } ltm virtual vip-Insiteqa-JoeInc-8080 { destination pool Insiteqa-JoeInc persist my_source_addr profiles { tcp {} } } ltm virtual vip-Insiteqa-JoeInc-http { destination pool Insiteqa-JoeInc persist my_source_addr profiles { tcp {} http {} } } ltm virtual vip-Insiteqa-JoeInc-https { destination profiles { tcp {} }
If you are considering migrating from Cicso’s ACE to F5, I’d consider you take a look at the Cisco conversion scripts to assist with the conversion.
- whswhswhs124_98
' - Joad
Hello, can I ask some questions?
- What is the f5 correspondence to "class class-default" in policy-map type loadbalance first-match configuration?
- ACE "nat dynamic" matches f5 SNAT automap feature?
- ACE "nat pool" matches f5 SNAT pool feature?
Thank you in advance
- Tony_Bencivenga
No longer works with 12.x of the F5 . get no errors on the conversion but when importing it fails due to it cannot read the converted file correctly
- k_kirchev_28437
Tony Bencivenga I tested and everything was working on 12.1.2 in VE lab. But I have not tested it in production. Also Cisco scripts work like 60,70%. Some of the work have to be done manually.
- John_Meggers
The links in the third paragraph are broken, and I don't see anything referencing Cisco or ACE in the clouddocs suggested link on the 404 page. Anybody know where to find the script?
And, BTW, it's "into ITS F5 counterpart" -- no apostrophe, because the use is possessive and not a contraction.
A little late getting to this one's fixed now. Thanks !