Forum Discussion

Mahirawat_75557's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 26, 2012

LTM Irule or ASM policy, which runs first?

Hi all,



I have a web URL with ASM policy applied. Some of the uri's we need to send 404 page can not be found message. I am writing a irule for this redirect.


I wanted to confirm, if user traffic hits uri which we want to redirect to 404 page, will the irule will directly send 404 page or ASM policy will run first before irule? I wanted to make sure ASM do not process these requests


Please confirm?



Thanks in advance


  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    I think this all depends on what Events are fired in the iRule as to their ordering in relation to ASM. Some will fire up before the http class profile and some later down the chain. In your case if your using the http::request event and returning the 404 then this should apply before the traffic is relayed to the ASM via the http class profile.



    This is only my understanding though - although it does seem to make sense. Hopefully if I'm wrong then some kind peeps will correct me.



    Hope this helps,

