Forum Discussion

ltp_55848's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 11, 2011

LTM and GTM interfaces with same MAC

Hi All,



I'm experiencing an odd problem with unit running both LTM and GTM on which I have both an LTM virtual and a GTM listener defined on the same subnet.



When a monitor/probe is sent from the GTM interface to the virtual server on the same subnet it fails as the GTM interface and LTM interface are using the same MAC address.



Is there a way in which to have the listener interface use a different MAC, or am I overlooking a very important part of the manual that advises against this configuration?



    I had set up two boxes(3900) both connected to a switch with the switchports Configuration:


    switchport access vlan 341



    I have the following IPs:


    Unit 1 (self -, floating



    Unit 2 (self -,





    here are the test results:



    Default gateway -



    Ping test from Unit 1 to Unit 2 - unsuccessful


    PIng test from Unit 1 to Gateway - successful


    PING test from Unit 2 to Gateway - unsuccessful



    We tried swapping the cables on F5 end:



    Ping test from Unit 1 to Unit 2 - unsuccessful


    PIng test from Unit 2 to Gateway - successful


    PING test from Unit 1 to Gateway - unsuccessful



    We tried replacing the cables but same results.We tried changing ports on Switch side but same results.



    Can you help us determine what's the next step or solution to be done?