Forum Discussion

Ganesh_Prasad_1's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
May 31, 2021

LTM - Difference in Number of VIP fetched by cli and GUI

Hello ,


I am facing issue while fetching VIP details from CLI and GUI.


As i am getting 256 VIP (availability as Available and Offline both) on CLI while on GUI getting 259 VIP.


Why this occurs and how we can fix this difference in VIP count.


PS-My F5 LTM appliance is running on image.






  • Do you have partitions as maybe in the GUI some of the vip are under another partition?




    Also you only LTM right as APM has some default VIP servers that start with "__"?

  • This is interesting, can you share us the snapshot of GUI network map and also the below command,

    Put the below code in a /var/tmp/virtual-status file. And simple run it by bash /var/tmp/virtual-status

    tmsh show ltm virtual > /var/tmp/virtual-status
    echo -n "Total Virtual Servers : " ; cat /var/tmp/virtual-status | grep Availability | wc -l
    echo -n "Virtual Servers Available : "; cat /var/tmp/virtual-status | grep "Availability     : available" | wc -l | tr -d '\n'; echo -n " (Disabled: ";cat /var/tmp/virtual-status | grep -A1 "Availability     : available" | grep disabled | wc -l | tr -d '\n' ; echo -n ")";
    echo -ne "\nVirtual Servers Unavailable : "; cat /var/tmp/virtual-status | grep "Availability     : unavailable" | wc -l | tr -d '\n'; echo -n " (Disabled: "; cat /var/tmp/virtual-status | grep -A1 "Availability     : unavailable" | grep disabled | wc -l | tr -d '\n' ; echo -n ")";
    echo -ne "\nVirtual Servers Offline : "; cat /var/tmp/virtual-status | grep "Availability     : offline" | wc -l | tr -d '\n'; echo -n " (Disabled: "; cat /var/tmp/virtual-status | grep -A1 "Availability     : unavailable" | grep disabled | wc -l | tr -d '\n' ; echo -n ")";
    echo -ne "\nVirtual Servers Unknown : "; cat /var/tmp/virtual-status | grep "Availability     : unknown" | wc -l | tr -d '\n'; echo -n " (Disabled: "; cat /var/tmp/virtual-status | grep -A1 "Availability     : unavailable" | grep disabled | wc -l | tr -d '\n' ; echo -n ")";


    • Nikoolayy1's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      Nice script jaikumar_f5 ! I will also copy it for some automations. If there is a real difference maybe the web can be restarted with bigstart restart httpd/tomcat or even "mcpd reload" as there could be discrepancy between the GUI and bigip.conf but your script will confirm that.