Jan 27, 2022Altocumulus
Looking to get virtual server profile statistics via REST API command
Hey, Does anybody know how to get the profile statistics of a virutal server. They are definitely stored somewhere. You can view them in the WebGUI when looking at the statistics of a virtual serv...
- Jan 28, 2022
Hi Enes_Afsin_Al,
I had to rewrite the command as:
tmsh show ltm virtual \/*\/* profile detail | grep -E "Ltm::Virtual Server|Ltm::ClientSSL|Ltm::ServerSSL|Protocol Version"
Reversed the slashes, and the redirect to file (> /var/tmp/tlsstats.txt) did not work. But what displayed on screen looked correct.
I then took this command and started to build a REST API call. I finally came up with:
I can then tear into the returned object to get the stats out and build a CSV file
Thanks for the lead.