Forum Discussion
load balance using http methods
We have 1 read/write node and two Read-only nodes, so we want all the Get http requests to be distributed equally in them and all other requests like POST, Patch, Delete to be forwarded to read/write node
Example :-
Node1 : R/W " it will receives Get , Post,Patch,Delete "
Node2 : Read-only "it will receives Get Requests only "
Node3 : Read-only "it will receives Get Requests only "
Thank you in advance
Hi Ahmed,
Can you try this iRule?
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::method] ne "GET" } { node node1ip port } # GET requests are forwarded to the default pool. No need to use else statement. }
- Ahmed_Mohsen
Thank you for your reply .
Kindly when i use this iRule that's mean Node1 will not receives GET requests but it can receives " Post, Patch, Delete" requests and F5 BIG-IP will continue Load balance GET Requests to Node2 and Node3 ? Please advice
- Ahmed_Mohsen
Kindly when i try to deploy iRule it shown me an error
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