Forum Discussion

bigiptechie_982's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 16, 2012

load balance between servers based on the Geographical location

Hello All, I have the following case I have two F5 LTM Active/Standby and many virtual servers, one of the virtual servers with one pool and six pool members, i want to load balance between servers based on the Geographical location of the client’s country, Could you please let me know if that is possible and how? Thank you,
  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    I think an iRule will work for you here. I remembered there was a "20 lines or less" entry which had source Country information using "whereis" . So I've found the wiki for you to see if this can get you started:





    Good look,


  • Thanks Nathan



    I found this dev link and it helped me a lot.