Forum Discussion

TayF5un's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 13, 2016

License Problem

We made APM PoC with evaluation key. However, evaluation key expired and we could not aware that so when we want to re-activate with the base license key, I face with the problem because of the expired APM add-on. Thus, How can handle this stiuation.


When I reactivate with best bundle eval. license there is no problem. I want to reactivate with real life time license.


  • If I understood correctly the problem, just license the unit with the base key. It will load any add-on you have linked with the base key, and lucky will not get the expired APM addon. If you getting the APM addon after licensing, talk with F5 support, as a TSC (first line support) can help you with that, as they can perform multiple tasks related with the license.


    Also, if you change the APM provision to none, there should be no problem (maybe just warnings).