Forum Discussion

kesuko_331391's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 23, 2017

license option about SSL throughput

Dear Dev Central,


Please tell me about ASKF5 K100693.


Part of


"removed the 2Mbps SSL throughput limitation and allowed unlimited Mbps throughput for BIG-IP"




I'd like to confirm that my understanding is correct. If I reactivate my license. It will SSL Mbps be unlimited ? or be treated it equally unlimited?


My bigip license follow


b version output


-snip SSL Mbps 4000




cat bigip.license


perf_SSL_Mbps : 6000


  • Hi,


    This article was written for versions 9.x in 2009.


    I guess all licenses activate after 2009 are not concerned !


  • As per the article, if you reactivate the license, you won't have any SSL Mbps limitation. You should be able to check that by looking into the license number - LIC-0259-00 (BIG-IP, PERFORMANCE SSL [Mbps])