Forum Discussion

aj11's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 05, 2019

LCD Alerts and Alarm Status Messages on BIG-IP 5250?

Is there a reference guide or list of alerts/alarms on the BIG-IP 5200 series devices?


We have a pair using the active/standby HA configuration where one currently shows warnings "2d Unsupported Optic." (currently, the standby node) and the other shows "4d Unsupported Optic." but nothing shows in the ltm log for this and we recent had some failovers that we're looking into which could be related. What do these mean and is there reference material for this? Are these LCD messages and/or status lights visible elsewhere in the GUI, TMSH or CLI? One is currently linked to the other with a fiber cable, FYI.


  • It's possible that you're running into bug ID627914, depending on your hardware and software configuration. However, remember that F5 policies strictly prohibit the use of third-party hardware components with F5 products. (See article K8153 for details.)