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Abhijith_KS_302's avatar
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Jul 27, 2017

LB Algorithm : Least Connections

Hi Guys, Need a quick tip.


I have like 4 VIP's set up with least connections trying to load balance VDI servers, and the users were able to access the first time and the subsequent requests failed. Hence I have changed it to least sessions and we don't have a persistence profile applied. But F5 says we need a persistence profile to work effectively. Just trying to understand if I don't have a persistence profile, for how long the F5 maintains the session and will there be a impact on the servers with this ?


  • F5 will maintain the session for as long as the TCP session is active - this will depend on the setting in the TCP profile.


    Without a persistence profile, users will always go to another pool member when the TCP session has been cleared which may have undesirable results with the application.


    Moreover, using Least Session LB algorithm without a persistence profile (that uses the persistence table) will not load balance as you expect as it uses the persistence table to make load balancing decisions