Forum Discussion

jlarosa_44289's avatar
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Aug 01, 2012

Latest Exchange 2010 iApp ( and Cookie Persistence

We are in the process of creating a new F5 11.2 load balanced solution for Exchange 2010 SP2 using a single VIP. After creating a new iApp based on the Exchange 2010 template, I noticed the combined_vs_persist iRule no longer persists based on the OutlookSession header, but instead just "cookie insert". Does this mean the BigIP is inserting it's own cookie to persist on? Is this in line with Microsoft's recommendation to persist on the OutlookSession cookie for OWA/ECP and Oulook Anywhere on 2010?



If not, what is the proper way to persist on OutlookSession? Should I just go back to the "persist uie [HTTP::header "OutlookSession"] 3600" from previous versions of the iRule?


  • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    That is correct, BIG-IP is inserting a cookie for persistence. In our testing, the OutlookSession cookie value can change mid-session, which could result in connections from the same client being sent to a different CAS. Also, using OutlookSession requires an entry in the BIG-IP persistence table while the BIG-IP cookie does not, making "cookie insert" more efficient.



    For Outlook Anywhere, we persist on the value of the Authorization header, which should be unique if you're using Basic auth (which is recommended in the deployment guide).



    The command "persist uie [HTTP::header "OutlookSession"]" was an error in the guide-OutlookSession is a cookie, not a header. You would want to use " "persist uie [HTTP::cookie "OutlookSession"]"" instead.