Forum Discussion

Techgeeeg_28888's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 21, 2012

Killing the sessions of Connection Persistance

Hi Everyone,


I am running LTM with ver 11.1.0 , I created a setup and I applied some load balancing method to check the traffic distribution when i rest the connection counter to zero to monitor the connections i found that one of the pool member is showing 22 connections and it never received the connection but really late while testing the setup. How can I kill the persistance connections or lets say if I want to kill all the sessions to a particular pool member how can I do this????? is there a document or command or GUI configuration page where I can perform this... really waiting for the reply.






I was testing the application from multiple PC's internally and I really felt the need to know that which client machine is getting served from which pool member, is there a way I can see the details in the statistics that which client IP is getting served from which Pool member???? As this application will be utilized by the internal users as well it is v imp for me to have this feature is it avaliable or not ????





  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Techgeeeg,



    You can view/delete persistence records using tmsh:



    tmsh show /ltm persistence



    tmsh show /ltm persistence



    See the help output or tmsh guide on AskF5 for complete details on the commands.



    As for determining which pool member a client goes to, there are a few options for this. What type of protocol or application are you trying to do this for?


