Forum Discussion

bob_10968's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 24, 2012

Just recieved Big-IP 1600, cant find where to start

We managed to give the box an IP by trial and error, but then when we hit the F5 web configuration, it asks for a username and password. We spent a day looking through the documents, but found nothing except lots of docs for the VE edition.



Unfortunately, the VE edition user/pass (i.e. root/default) does not work.



Does anyone know the default user/password for a new 1600?


Does anyone know where a quickstart/config guide might be?


Does anyone know a forum for the F5 Big-IP?



Secondly, we have purchased the rather expensive support. Does anyone know how to use it? E.g. is there a way to submit a web based trouble ticket? We tried the "websupport" link, but it just says "contact does not exist".



All very frustrating.




  • Naresh_15230's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Does anyone know the default user/password for a new 1600?


    try root/F5site02



    This link contains the guide for 1600(hardware-related)




    Initial configuration related information is available at

  • Thanks for the reply.



    root/F5site02 does not work unfortunately. (says login failed)



    We saw that plaform guide, but it only concerns HW setup, nothing about configuring the SW (and doesnt say the root password).



    The second link is interesting. It says you have to connect a serail port & use command line. We have around 30 laptops in the office, and not one has a serail port. The last time I had to use serial port was about 10 years ago. Are yo usaying that the F5 web configuration will not work untill we do something with the searial console? This would be a bit of a showstopper.



  • Josh just emailed me a doc for an older version of the platform with the answer: its admin/admin



    Shame it has taken us 3 days to find it (we would never have found the doc ourselves as doesnt exist for our version of the platform).



    Many thanks to Josh Michaels and to Naresh for their help.



    Next issue, anyone know how one one raises a support request? Is there an email to send to which creates a ticket or similar?
  • Naresh_15230's avatar
    Historic F5 Account



    Regarding the username and password



    root/F5site02 or root/default will be the credentials if you logged in through command-line


    admin/admin will be the credentials if you logged in through web-console.



    Any doubts feel free to ask..





  • Hi Naresh, those links dont work for me, I get "firefox cant find the server at seapptrd02".



    Apparently, the process is to email, send them the serial numbers, names and email addresses, then wait for them to create support accounts. Then hopefully we can access the support website (currently we get "contact not found" when we hit I dont know how long this process will take.



    Its certainly not easy starting from zero.


  • Bob:



    Support can be found via the FAQ:






    Found that through . As for the other data:




    ---------------Original Email ---------------------


    I would recommend the " New to F5 Products and Technology" group on devcentral:





    As for documentation:



    The documentation for the F5 is based on the software version that you are running, not necessarily the hardware platform. For example, if you are running version 10.1.0, you would find all the documentation here:





    and the getting started guide can be found here:





    If you are referring to the Graphical User Interface login page (found by going to the ip address of the device on port 443), the default login is:



    user: admin


    password: admin



    If you are referring to the Command Line Interface, the default login is either:



    user: root


    password: root






    user: root


    password: default



    Hope this helps!



    Josh Michaels


    F5 Devcentral


    Solutions Developer - Security


  • @bob:



    in regards to:


    "The second link is interesting. It says you have to connect a serail port & use command line. We have around 30 laptops in the office, and not one has a serail port. The last time I had to use serial port was about 10 years ago. Are yo usaying that the F5 web configuration will not work untill we do something with the searial console? This would be a bit of a showstopper. "



    Nope, you can actually set the management IP address from the front of the console on the unit. You can then use that IP to access the GUI via that management IP.



    Ah, console connections... man. I tell you what, every time I see one... I say, why the hell is that there? Then.. when something goes wrong, and I don't have console to a box, I tear my hair out, because I not have to go down to the Datacenter, deal with the datacenter security guard, find the blasted crash cart, and hope to heck that the battery on the carts not dead.



    hope all goes well,


