Is there Limitation of irule "virtual".. can we do it like this?
We have BIG-IQ and BIG-IP AWAF.
I see that BIG-IQ application dashboard is show only 1 application per virtual server.
But in BIG-IP AWAF.. we config it as 1 virtual server 100 application (multi domain vip+use irule to check host header and send it to specific pool and choose specific waf policy)
So we can't see each application metric in BIG-IQ.... This is our issue.
I understand we need to config each vip for each application so BIG-IQ can retrive data from each vip per application but we can't use that many public ip.
So I found that we have irule "virtual" which can send traffic to another virtual server.
Can we do it like this?
Instead of
if {[HTTP::host] equals ""} {
ASM::enable /Common/ >>>> choose pool and waf policy by host header
pool /External/
Change to
if {[HTTP::host] equals ""} {
virtual >>> send it to private ip virtual server by host header which craete a new.
and in virtual server we use private ip and assign pool and waf policy normally
so we can add in BIG-IQ application dashboard and see metric per application.
But is there any limitation on how to use irule "virtual" like this? Is this practical?