Forum Discussion

Herman2024's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Oct 28, 2024

Is GTM/DNS software version is the same as LTM OS version on the same physical machine?

Hi, we are provisioned the gtm/dns and ltm on the same physical F5 appilance. Now the BIG-IP version is 17.1.x.x/. Does it mean the gtm/DNS and LTM both are the same version 17.1.x.x? Is the possible to upgrade the GTM/DNS to a different version from LTM? Anyone please help advise, thanks in advance!

  • Hi Herman2024 


    Yes, in your case, both GTM/DNS and LTM modules are part of the same BIG-IP appliance running version 17.1.x.x. Therefore, by default, they share the same underlying BIG-IP version. It is not possible to upgrade the GTM/DNS independently of the LTM, as these modules rely on the same underlying software version.

    Upgrading or downgrading any module requires a full upgrade or downgrade of the BIG-IP software, which affects all provisioned modules (GTM, LTM, AFM, etc.). If you need different versions for GTM/DNS and LTM, they would have to be on separate physical or virtual devices.


    Hope you query resolved




    • WQ's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks a lot for your advice!