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David_Stephenso's avatar
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Oct 12, 2011

iRule URL redirect help required.

Hi, I am quite new to iRules. The only rules that I have worked with so far are simple uri redirects.



We would like this example URL to be redirected from:




to be this:




the yellow item is the document number


the pink item is the action, either be open or download for the vast majority of cases.



So whatever the yellow and pink values are in the first uri will have to be mirrored in the redirected url.




Any help would be greatly appreciated.






  • This is pretty straight forward, but you will have to do some string manipulation. Basically you will need these steps:



    1) Strip out the two parts of the incoming URL into variables


    2) Build a new variable with the new URL and the other variables


    3) Redirect to that new variable



    Does that make sense?
  • Hi Brian, thanks for the reply. I had sort of worked that out logically but I have no idea of the code to use. I have had no training in creating irules but have just manipulated exsisting rules on our loadbalancers.



    Any code example that would fit my requirements would be a massive help



    Thanks, David


  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    This is definitely possible, but I'd need to know a little bit more information first.



    1) Is the URI of the origin going to be the same, always (I.E. always starts with the document number&action)?


    2) What is the terminator (if any) after the action on the origin URI? (is it just those two items then the end of the URI every time? If not, what comes after it?)


    3) Will the redirect URI be the same every time, other than the object number and action?





  • Hi Colin,



    1) Is the URI of the origin going to be the same, always (I.E. always starts with the document number&action)?





    2) What is the terminator (if any) after the action on the origin URI? (is it just those two items then the end of the URI every time? If not, what comes after it?)


    There would not be anything else after the tow variables, the url is an example format and can be changed to make the irule easier if required, all we want to do is pass 2 variables in a url and then redirect it to the longer url,



    3) Will the redirect URI be the same every time, other than the object number and action?





    Many thanks!


  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Cool, then this shouldn't be horrible. You'd need something like:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if {[scan [HTTP::uri] "/%d&%s" dnum action] == 2} {
        HTTP::redirect "$dnum%26objAction%3D$action"
      } else {
        log local0. "URI: [HTTP::uri] did not match"

    Keep in mind that this will match any URI with /& format, and if you want to do some more specific checking you could analyze the dnum and action variables once they were set by the scan command to see if the action matches an appropriate action or something to that effect, but it sounds like the URI is something you're controlling anyway, so I wasn't horribly worried about that.

    Let me know if that works, and/or if you have any further questions.

  • Colin,



    Thank you so much. That worked perfectly. The team have tested and have confirmed that it works exactly as they wanted it to.



    Many thanks again.


