Aug 18, 2011Nimbostratus
iRule to display remote content through fake URI
Hey Guys,
I know there is an iRule like this already out there, but I can't seem to find it. Anyway hopefully one of you guys can help me out.
I'm going to be creating several reseller sites for a company each for which will display their own content. All of these sites will then use only one help site which we created so all the resellers can link to. The problem is that if we create the link to our help they will leave the site and will then be redirected to the help site. We want to prevent this by using an iRule that could display the remote site's content when any specific URI is given.
For example:
The help domain would be https://helpsite.com/help/
The resellers domains would be:
If any of the reseller sites call for http://reseller1.com/help/ we want the help site's content (https://helpsite.com/help/) to be display under the /help/ URI of any reseller site.
I remember seen something like this before but I can't remember the name of this iRule or what functions were used to create this.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Danny Fuentes