Mar 15, 2017Altostratus
iRule to block paths is not working properly after decoding HTTP::uri
Hi folks, I was trying to generate an iRule which should take the URL, decode it, normalize the path portion and save it for later use in the following iRules. But unfortunately, I wasn't able to produce expected results. In the first iteration, it did not block anything. In the second iteration, it blocked everything (thanks to an error for undeclared variable
in set path [HTTP::path [URI::path $uri]]
). Now I'm still searching for a solution and would be happy if someone is able to suggest one.
I have made some comments in the iRule below to better grip what I was trying to accomplish.
first iRule to decode and normalize the path portion
when HTTP_REQUEST priority 400 {
this part is taken from F5s DevCentral
set tmpUri [HTTP::uri]
set uri [URI::decode $tmpUri]
while { $uri ne $tmpUri } {
set tmpUri $uri
set uri [URI::decode $tmpUri]
after decoding the URI in $uri we like to use only the decoded path
later for decisions because if we pass the decoded query-string the application dies
therfore: save the decoded path-portion of the URI in the HTTP::path-Variable
HTTP::path [ URI::path $uri ]
here I already tried to set it as a variable ("set $path ([HTTP::path [ URI::path $uri ]]))"
but it didn't work out.
second iRule separated to allow for other "pre-processing of input"
this Rule matches against paths in a data group and if the request comes from internal
when HTTP_REQUEST priority 460 {
using path because some query-params could have the same name as a path
"block_url_status" is a data group with some paths to be blocked
if {([ class match [ HTTP::path ] contains block_url_status ])}
check whether the request comes from internal networks
if {(not [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals xx.xx.xx.xx ] ) }
HTTP::respond 404 content "File not found" noserver
event disable
Thank you everyone!
Solution is found: The error was in not writing the basename back to the
when HTTP_REQUEST priority 400 { this part is taken from F5s DevCentral set tmpUri [HTTP::uri] set uri [URI::decode $tmpUri] while { $uri ne $tmpUri } { set tmpUri $uri set uri [URI::decode $tmpUri] } set tmpPath "[URI::path $uri][URI::basename $uri]" HTTP::path $tmpPath }