Forum Discussion

kaoutar's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Mar 17, 2021

iRule to assign ASM policy to VS by domain name

Hello All,

In order to reduce the amunt of public IPs assigned to our Web App, we decide to deploy multi apps in one VS, Im looking for a way to assign ASM policies to each web app according to the its Domain name,

Thanks in advance

    • kaoutar's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Can you please tell me why i cant log any of http request even if the logging profile is activated?

      • Can you share how you applied the logging profile and which logging profile you applied?

        Redacted screenshot or tmsh list.

    • 小白's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      I have applied the strategy to my vs, but I still can't access vs through the domain name.Why is this

  • I maybe looking at this a different way, but you should be able to load balance via Layer 7 and disabling and enabling the ASM within irules based on which select statement is triggered.

    • Daniel_Wolf's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      You are right, assigning ASM policies by matching certain "Conditions", like URI Path or Host Header, is possible either ways - by iRules or by LTM Policies. LTM Policies are just my preferred way.

      Result is the same...

    • kaoutar's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      could you plleade provide me an example of that irule ?

  • Yes, for example you have a VIP that works off of HTTPS - Stream Enabled of course -

    This would be the ASM Policy Applied on the VIP, as traffic passes you disable the policy to the specific Domain within the iRule.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
           "" {
              pool /Common/Pool1Site1
           "" {
              pool /Common/Pool2Site2