Forum Discussion

gdoyle's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
May 24, 2019

iRule sending traffic to the wrong pool.

I have a fairly basic irule that seems to be sending traffic to the wrong servers and I can't figure out why. when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::path]] {    "/web/*"        {...
  • Niels_van_Sluis's avatar
    May 25, 2019

    When you load balance to a server in a pool, the BIG-IP establishes direct TCP connections with that pool member (as a proxy would). If you're doing "content switching", where you're sending traffic to different pools based on some request criteria, you may run into a situation where the BIG-IP has an established TCP connection with one pool member and won't immediately sever that connection and start a new one somewhere else. The OneConnect profile (applied in the virtual server and in the associated HTTP profile) allows you to safely switch between pool members.

