Forum Discussion

Gajji's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Sep 19, 2020

Irule redirection

I have added a new irule to VS which already have few irule already configured...


Once i added a new irule whose URI other than previous irule , cause issued to earlier URL configured for redirection.


Not sure why


what precautions should i take so that it will not cause issue to existing url

  • ,


    Is your new iRule getting matched first? It may be the case that other existing URLs on the same VS are matching condition defined under new iRule and as it is getting matched first, it is causing issues. Kindly keep new iRule below all the existing iRules and then try so with this new iRule will get match after existing iRules.

  • Gajji's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    New Irule is kept at bottom only but still faced the issue

  • Then may be you need to revisit all the iRules and see which statement is causing issues. Just one thing, if you remove new irule from VS, is everything works as expected?​

    • Gajji's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Yes after removing its working fine,